Urban Project

Paskuqan Street

Throughout the course of this project, we’ve turned a vision into reality, creating a new road that connects the community and serves as a permanent way to express our development in this area.

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Regarding the Project

This project has involved the reconstruction of the road, improvement of the drainage system, as well as the addition of safety and aesthetic elements. The new road serves as a critical link for the local community, enhancing traffic flow and the sustainability of the road infrastructure in the Paskuqan area.

Client: City of Paskuqan

Finished: August 16, 2023

Project Type: Urban Construction

Sustainability of the Project

  • 90% Recyclable Materials
  • 60% Energy Consumption
  • 20% Reduced Construction Waste

Projekte të Tjera


For the city of Tirana

Military Unit

For the City of Tirana